Mritikasur attacks Hanuman. Hanuman stands holding Vajra in his hands. He hits the energies back towards Mritikasur using the Vajra. Mritikasur continues to attack on Hanuman. Hanuman kills Mritikasur using the Vajra. Everyone is pleased including Anjana. Tridev also look down happily.
On the other hand, Kesari prays in the water.
Devraj uses his powers to murder all of the other Asuras. The main Asura (Mritikasur) becomes angry. I won't leave you now. He summons all of his death-related powers. Hanuman is not disturbed. Go back to where you came from. It will be beneficial for you. Mritikasur attacks Hanuman.
Precap: Hanuman kills Mritikasur. Devraj says you will now have a Vajra. You will also be referred to as Vajradhari starting today. He hands over the flag to Hanuman. You will always keep this.
Hanuman returns the Vajra to Devraj Indra. Anjana looks on triumphantly. The Sapta Rishis thank him. There's an announcement. Hanuman saved Indra Loka with the Vajra. He deserves it now, along with the victory flag. Devraj says you will now have a Vajra. He places a Vajra and the Victory Flag in Hanuman's hands. You will always keep this. You will also be referred to as Vajradhari starting today. Hanuman carries one object in each of his hands. Om is written on the flag.
Nani looks to the sun.I wonder what God is up to. Hanuman, please return soon. Matang Rishi asks Kesari to take a step forward. Nani tells him not to do so. Please come back. She faints. Everyone rushes to her side.
Ravan and Kalnemi travel to Tung Rajya together. All of his Asuras are dead on the ground. Kalnemi had told about the death of one Asura. Ravan questions Kalnemi about the unique fighter. I want to see his dead body. Please get it for me. I will not believe that we have received information about Narayan's Nar Avatar until I see him dead.
Anjana opens her arms and calls out to Hanuman. Hanuman rushes to hug her. Devguru Brihaspati appears there. Everyone greeted him. He instructs Hanuman to leave for Sumeru right away. Everyone must be waiting for you. Hanuman nods. He, Anjana, and Devraj Indra depart.
Kalnemi recognizes the head of the special fighter lying among the dead bodies. Ravan looks shocked. Kalnemi claims he died so we might find out where Narayan in his Nar Avatar is. Ravan notes that this implies that Narayan's Nar Avatar is exclusively present here. You've made me joyful. I would have awarded you a prize if you were still alive! But if such had been the case, how would we have learned about Narayan's Nar Avatar? Alnemi is surprised to see the fighter's head rejoining his body. The Asura awakens and meets both of them. He admits that he didn't fight Narayan's Nar Avatar, but rather another person. My head became caught in other bodies and could not join. Ravan becomes upset. This implies you have not met Narayan's Nar Avatar yet.
Hanuman is really delighted to meet his father, Nani, as well as his family and fellow people. Everyone would be waiting for me. I'll meet them all today. He turns towards his mother. He notes the flatness of the vermilion on her brow. Anjana becomes worried. Is this a negative sign?Hanuman inquires as to why she is worried. She admits that she is concerned for Kesari. Will he be okay? He assures her of that. We will be there soon. He instructs the charioteer to drive faster. The guy responds that the chariot cannot fly as quickly as he does. Devraj Indra reassures Anjana.
Ravan's envoy informs Ravan that Hanuman has killed their asura. Now he is on his way to Sumeru. Ravan is unhappy at the news. Kalnemi notes that Kesari is unaware of this fact. He has vowed to perform Lokantaran if Hanuman does not return by dusk. Ravan glances to the sun. It is just halfway set as of today.Ravan instructs Kalnemi to get his mayavi clouds. I want you to create an illusion with these clouds. The sun should hide behind them. Kesari will perform Lokantaran then. Hanuman got his mother, but I will not let him receive his father. Kalnemi agrees. Ravan instructs his emissary to cause devastation and terror amongst people. Ravan departs for Pushpak Vimaan.
Kalnemi calls all the Mayavi clouds.
Hanuman notices the change in the sky's colors. He carefully observes the signs.
The citizens plead with Kesari not to abandon them. Matang Rishi stares towards the sun. Nani is still unconscious. Matang Rishi is confused by the changes in the sky.
Hanuman remarks that he had never seen so many black clouds together. Devraj cautions him that these are Mayavi clouds. Someone is planning something wrong. Hanuman is in his thoughts.
Precap: Devraj informs Hanuman that someone has purposefully gotten these clouds to make it dark. Hanuman uses his talents to clear the clouds. Kesari takes a dip in the water. Hanuman looks at his mother. The vermilion on your forehead has faded completely. Anjana becomes concerned for Kesari. Hurry up, Hanuman!